Udemy is an online learning platform that offers over 130,000 individual online courses and can be a great option if you’re interested in a one-off course in a specific subject or skill set. The platform’s offerings cover categories like development; business; finance & accounting; IT & software; office productivity; personal development; design; marketing; lifestyle; photography & video; health & fitness; music, and teaching & academics.
Udemy’s best-selling courses are wide-ranging too, including everything from web development bootcamps to beginner drawing classes. You can browse more of the most popular Udemy courses here.
If you’re curious about Udemy courses, you can find answers to common FAQs below, including ones on free courses, course pricing, sales, coupons, business plans, gifting courses, and more.
Are any Udemy courses free?
Yes. Udemy has a database of over 500 free online courses, in topics ranging from introductory photography and game development to quick classes in time management and public speaking.
Browsing the free courses — which don’t come with certificates of completion or direct instructor contact — can be a good way to explore new topics or decide if you like Udemy as a platform. All you need to do is sign up for free via email.
What comes with a paid Udemy course?
A typical Udemy course comes with hours of instructional video lectures (which you can view on your computer, mobile device, or TV) and lifetime access to the course.
How much do Udemy classes cost?
To access a paid Udemy course, you need to pay a one-time fee, which can cost anywhere from $19.99 to $189.99. Unlike e-learning platforms like Skillshare or LinkedIn Learning, Udemy doesn’t offer free trials or subscriptions — you pay for each online course à la carte.
How often do Udemy sales happen?
If the Udemy course you’re currently eyeing feels a little steep, there’s some good news: Udemy holds sales fairly often (at least once a month) and the deals are usually pretty substantial, often making courses as low as $12.99. So, pro-tip: If you’re on the fence about a course, check back often — sales usually cover most of the site.
You can also use coupon codes on classes. Insider offers Udemy coupons here.
2024 Udemy Premium Account Cookies
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Update it pls
Update later.
working now
Not premium. Please fix it
I will update later.